This article does not apply to version 5.4 and higher. Proceed to the Configuring In Application Context-Sensitive Help article.
Context-Sensitive Help allows you to provide end users with quick and convenient access to help via an online performance support system. End users request help from the Server via a direct link in the Internet Explorer application.
End users will need to install the uPerform_CSH.msi plug-in on their computers, which is located in the Server folder: [install]\Collaboration\WWW\ANCILEHlp, or you can push the installation out via a system management server (SMS).
End users with the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer must install the uPerform_CSH_x64.msi plug-in to use generic Context-Sensitive Help. Both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions can be installed side-by-side.
Installing the uPerform_CSH_x64.msi plug-in will not install Context-Sensitive Help into the default 32-bit version of Internet Explorer. |
Creating the Help Link for Web Pages Using Internet Explorer
- Close all instances of Internet Explorer.
- Perform one of the following:
If You Want To
Manually install the IE add-on
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Enter http://[Server Name]/AncileHlp/uPerform_CSH.msi or uPerform_CSH_x64.msi to obtain the .msi package.
NOTE: You can also copy the uPerform_CSH.msi or uPerform_CSH_x64.msi file to your end user desktop from the \WWW\ANCILEHlp folder. You will need permissions to access the server.
- Double-click on the uPerform_CSH.msi or uPerform_CSH_x64.msi package.
- Click Next.
- Click Next.
- Click Next.
- Optionally, select a language. The default is English US.
- Enter the Server URL (from the connection profile).
- Click OK.
- Click Finish.
- Go to Step 4.
Silently install the IE add-on
- Click the menu > .
- Go to Step 3.
- Enter the following parameters and properties into the command line:
The command line should have the following format: msiexec.exe /i "C:\[File Location]\uPerform_CSH.msi" /qn ServerUrl="[GeneratedConnectionProfileValue]" DefaultLanguage="en-US"
Parameter/Property Name
Usage Example/Description
A parameter that indicates you are installing a package. It is followed by the location and name of the .msi file to be installed.
NOTE: If the current directory contains the .msi file, enter the .msi filename; otherwise, the full path to the .msi file must be entered.
A standard Windows Installer parameter for running an .msi file with no user interface
The connection profile URL generated in the Server for use with the IE add-on.
This property must be defined to install silently.
The default language to use
This property must be defined to install silently.
NOTE: The IE add-on supports the same set of languages as the Editor. Refer to the INSTALL_LANGUAGE property in the "Installation Parameters and Properties" section of the Creating Content manual.
- Launch Internet Explorer.
- Select
is also available via the right click menu.
to confirm the help link has been properly installed.
Continue to the next article Creating A Template.