Use this procedure to specify an alternate location for the Help Launchpad executable. Specifying an alternate location allows you to support both users with the executable loaded locally and users who access the executable from a server. This procedure assumes you have created at least one Help Launchpad server. Refer to for more information.
- Start the transaction using the transaction code /n/RWD/ZF0 .
- Click Server Setup.
- Toggle the button below Work with individual servers to display uPerform.
- Click
- Select the name of the desired help server.
- Click
- Click Display/Change Server.
- Click the launch tab.
- Confirm Executable is selected.
- Confirm rwdhlp.exe is entered in the Executable field.
- Complete the following field:
alt location
Select alt location, and specify a location in the field to the right. If the location is greater than 132 characters, click >132 . The resulting dialog window allows you to enter a path in excess of 132 characters. In addition, you can check the path length in this dialog.
Example: c\program files\infopak
- Click Save Settings.
- Click