- Click Reports on the navigation bar of the Management Center.
- Choose from the following options:
If You Want To
Create a copy of a standard or custom report
- Select the report you want to copy.
- Click Save As.
- Go to the next step.
Create a custom report
- Click New Report.
- Go to the next step.
Edit a report
- Click on the name of the custom or copied report you want to edit.
- Click Edit.
- Go to the next step.
Delete a custom report
NOTE: By default, you cannot delete standard reports from the Server.
- Click on the name of the custom report you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
- At the prompt, click OK.
NOTE: Reports are permanently deleted from the Server. You cannot recover a deleted report.
- Complete/edit the following fields:
Report Name
Enter a unique name for the report.
Enter an optional description for the report.
Report Type
Select a report type.
NOTE: This field cannot be modified when creating a report using Save As or editing a report.
Include Properties from Template
Optionally, select the template associated with the report from the drop-down list. This gives you the ability to create filters using template properties.
- Click Next.
- Select the checkbox to the left of the information in the Select Columns area you want to include as columns in your report .
The default information that displays varies for each report.
Click on the arrow to the left of the information to expand it and display more detailed information. For example if you want to create a column that displays the project name that a document is within, you would expand Documents, expand Projects and select Name.
As you select information for a column, it will display in the Column Order area.
- If you want to consolidate duplicate rows of information, select Count as a column to include in your report.
- Perform any of the following in the Column Order area:
If You Want to
Change the column order
- Click on the column name.
- Click Move Up or Move Down to the right of the column name.
NOTE: You can also change the column order by clicking on the column name and pressing the D or U keys or by dragging the column name up or down.
Delete a column
Click to the right of the column name you want to delete.
- Click Next.
- Perform any of the following in the Define Filters area:
If You Want to
Add a filter
NOTE: Custom reports with variable filters cannot be added as widgets on the Management Center Dashboard.
- Click Add Filter.
- Select information to filter your report by from the drop-down list.
NOTE: A list of default information displays in the drop-down list.
- If you want to choose different information to filter your report by, click CHOOSE COLUMNS.
NOTE: Click on the breadcrumb links at the top of the CHOOSE COLUMNS window to navigate through all of the information.
NOTE: Click on the arrow to the left of the information to expand it and display more detailed information. For example if you want to create a column that displays the project name that a document is within, you would expand Documents, expand Projects and select Name.
- Go to the next step to select a condition.
Delete a filter
- Click on the X to the right of the filter you want to delete.
- Go to step 13.
- Select a condition from the following list:
After the selected date. Select a date from the calendar.
Before the selected date. Select a date from the calendar.
Contains Any
Contains any of the keywords.
Contains All
Contains all of the keywords.
Does not Contain
Does not contain any of the keywords.
In the last day
Returns only items modified in the last day.
In the last week
Returns only items modified in the last week.
In the last month
Returns only items modified in the last month.
In the last three months
Returns only items modified in the last three months.
Is Any
Returns items that are equal to any of the values you select.
Is Not
Returns items that are not any of the values you select.
<, <=, =, >, >=, !=
Returns items that are less than, less than or equal to, equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, or not equal to the value you enter.
- Perform one of the following to set the filter value:
If You Want To
Specify the field name as a variable object when generating reports
Select Variable in the drop-down list.
NOTE: You cannot enter a value.
Specify the field name as a fixed object when generating reports
- Select Fixed in the drop-down list.
- Enter a value in the next field.
NOTE: To search for the exact text entered, put double quotes around the text. Use a comma to separate multiple values.
- Click Save to save the filter.
- Perform any of the following:
If You Want To
Add more filters
Repeat steps 9-12 above.
NOTE: Report results will match all filters combined.
Save the report
Click Save.
Save the report and view the results
Click Save and Run.
NOTE: Refer to Viewing/Exporting Reports for information on viewing the report output.