System or project administrators can manually or automatically notify authors/subscribers of changes to your enterprise application. Administrators can enter a list of changed transaction codes, iView IDs, or screen IDs directly into the Server interface. Anyone subscribed to documents with these properties will be notified of the change. In addition, administrators can create integration credentials that will allow Help Launchpad to automatically update uPerform with a list of changed transactions. Once Help Launchpad and uPerform are set up, Help Launchpad will send a list of changed transactions based on a schedule set within Help Launchpad.
To configure Help Launchpad to provide transaction change notification using the application, refer to the companion manual Help Launchpad.
Manually Entering Transaction Notifications
- Click Projects on the navigation bar of the Management Center.
- Click on the project name.
- Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the action button.
- Click Specify Changed Transactions.
- Enter changed transactions into the Changed Transactions field.
Each transaction must be on a separate line.
- Click on View Affected Documents to view the document names (not file names) that were impacted by the changed transactions.
- Click Save to send notifications.
Creating and Managing Integration Credentials
- Click the Administration cog on the navigation bar of the Management Center.
- Select in the left navigation menu.
- Click Integration Credentials.
- Choose from the following options:
If You Want To
Add a credential
- Click Add Credential.
- Go to the next step.
Edit a credential
- Select the credential to be changed.
- Click Edit Credential.
- Go to the next step.
Delete a credential
- Select the credential to be deleted.
- Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the action button.
- Click Delete Credential.
- Click Delete.
- Complete/edit the following fields:
Credential ID
Enter a unique user identifier.
This user identifier cannot be synchronized nor can this identifier be used to log into the system as a user.
Email Address
Enter the matching email account for the credential. If there is no email address, uPerform will automatically generate a placeholder.
Enter a password that adheres to password strength requirements.
Password Confirmation
Enter the password again.
- Click Save.