Styles Related to Documents
Style |
Description |
Default Text |
The style to be used for the text in the body of a document that’s not associated with another style. |
Document Note |
The style to be used for information notes in a document. |
Document Title |
The style to be used for the document title that displays at the top of a document. |
Example |
The style to be used for the example text. |
Example Phrase |
The style to be used for the example phrase text. |
Generic Table Text |
The style to be used for generic table text. |
In-Block Header |
The style to be used for headings within blocks (for example, the heading “Prerequisites” in the Overview block). |
Link Text |
The style to be used for the link text. |
Overview (Simplified) Text |
The style to be used for text within the Overview (Simplified) block. |
Page Description Text |
The style to be used for the page description text. |
Page Title Text |
The style to be used for the page title text. |
Screen Caption |
The style to be used for the screen caption text. |
Section Name |
The style to be used for section title within the document. |
Step |
The style to be used for step text within the Procedure section of a document. |
Step Number |
The style to be used for the step number within the Procedure section of a document. |
Table Caption |
The style to be used for the table caption text. |
Table Header |
The style to be used for the table header. This applies to system generated tables such as Field Description Tables in the Procedure Section, as well as to tables added via the “Quick Block” function in the Editor. |
Table Outline |
The style to be used for the table outline. This applies to system generated tables such as Field Description Tables in the Procedure Section, as well as to tables added via the “Quick Block” function in the Editor. |
Table Text |
The style to be used for text within a table. |
Styles Related to Simulations
Style |
Description |
Simulation Note |
The style to be used for simulation notes. By default, this style is used for both action notes and information notes in a simulation. |
Simulation User Interface |
The style to be used for the published simulation user interface (that is, the simulation player for end users). |
Styles Related to Guided Help
Style |
Description |
Guided Help User Interface |
The style to be used for the published guided help user interface (that is, the guided help player for end users). |
Styles Related to Student Guides
Style |
Description |
Table of Contents |
The style to be used for the table of contents text in a student guide. |
Table of Contents Heading 1-6 |
The style to be used for the levels within the table of contents. |
Styles Related to eLearning Courses
Style |
Description |
Default Course Content Title Text |
The style to be used for the text displayed in the content title area of a course. |
Default Course Drag Drop Text |
The style to be used for the text displayed for drag and drop in a course. This applies to answer text on pages created using the “Drag and Drop,” “Drag and Drop – Many to One,” and “Drag and Drop – Sequencing” stencils. |
Default Course Page Title Text |
The style to be used for the text displayed as the page title in a course. |
Default Course Popup Text |
The style to be used for the text displayed as a popup in a course. |
Default Course Questions Text |
The style to be used for the text displayed as assessment or knowledge check questions in a course. |
Default Course Text |
The style to be used for the course text that’s not associated with another style. |
Default Course Title Text |
The style to be used for the course title text that’s not associated with another style. |
Top Navigation Text |
The style to be used for the top navigation text displayed in a course. |