Using Document Sections
The document view in the Editor is divided into several sections to provide areas for specialized information to use in your published content. The inclusion and order of sections is dictated by your template.
Sections are displayed in the Layout task pane. When you expand a section displayed in the task pane, you can click on a sub-section to navigate to that location in the content area.
Several standard document sections are delivered with the application:
- Purpose (Overview) - contains front matter information.
- Configuration Information: Lists information such as configuration menu path, key field changes, and date of configuration change.
- Test Information: Documents the test conditions, expected results, and actual results that ensure that the related transaction has been correctly configured and documented and is functioning correctly in the system.
- ASAP BPP: Mimics the business process procedure (BPP) documents delivered with an Accelerated SAP (ASAP) implementation.
- Exercise/Data Sheet: Provides a user training document that includes data for a given procedure, and tasks and questions for students to complete. For additional information on the exercise section, refer to Generating the Exercise Section.
- Screenflow: Provides a graphical overview of the entire task or process. For additional information on the screenflow section, refer to Working with the Screenflow.
- Procedure - end user procedures with steps, field description tables, and screen shots.
- Result - provides a location to enter any final comments or notes.
Sections can be included or excluded from your documents via the template. In addition, the administrator can create custom sections within the author template. For more information on author templates, refer to Create and Open a New Author Template.
Editing Document Sections
The document view in the Editor contains overview information consisting of:
- Purpose: intention of the document
- Trigger: activities that may trigger use of the documented procedure
- Prerequisites: requirements for using the documented procedure
- Menu Path: menu path for initiating the application or transaction addressed in the document
- Transaction Code: references the transaction code to which the document refers
- Helpful Hints: information that the end user may find beneficial
In addition, each application document contains a Result section at the conclusion of the procedure steps. These sections, and the Configuration, Test, and ASAP BPP sections, can be edited to include supplemental text, tables, and images.
The majority of editing and formatting options are available from both the toolbars and the right-click menu.