You can open application content from one of two locations:
- From your local computer: When you open content that resides on your local computer, you can make edits to the content without interacting with the server.
- From the server: When you open content from the server, a copy of the file is downloaded locally and opened. You can select to lock the content against another author's edits.
Only one content item can be open in the Editor at a time (for example, one course).
Opening Content
- Select one of the following options:
If You Want To
Open content from your computer
- From the Editor, select .
- In the Open window, browse to the location of your content, and press Open to display the content in the Editor.
uPerform files use the following extensions:
- Documents and simulations have a .udc extension.
- Courses have a .ulc extension.
- Course packages have a .ucp extension.
Open content from the server
- From the Editor, select .
- Go to Step 2.
- Complete the following fields:
Select the project from the drop-down list.
Browse the document library hierarchy to locate the file.
File Destination
Specify the local destination for the file.
Lock file for editing
Select this option to prevent others from editing the file.
- Press to display the content in the Editor.
Opening a Managed Document
You must open managed documents directly from the Management Center. For more information on checking out managed content from the server, refer to Checking Out Content.