The Editor can operate in one of the following three modes:
- Standalone: The Editor is not being used with the server.
- Connected: The server is available, and the Editor is connected to the server.
- Offline: The Editor is being used with the server, but the server is not currently available.
Depending on the mode in use, options related to server functionality in the Editor may be disabled.
- Select or double-click the uPerform shortcut icon on your computer.
- Choose from the following options:
You are prompted to establish a server connection
- Refer to Managing Your Editor Configuration Settings: Specifying The Server Connection to complete the necessary fields.
- Press OK.
You need to enter a product key
- Refer to Managing Your Editor Configuration Settings: Specifying The Server Connection to complete the necessary fields.
- Press OK.
Updates are available to the Editor
- Press Update Client.
NOTE: If you click Work Offline, the latest updates will not be applied to the Editor. The next time you launch the Editor, you will be prompted to update the Editor.
- Press OK to add updates.
When the Editor starts, a list of templates is returned from the server. Templates are downloaded to the local computer upon document creation.