SAP SRM captures context IDs and allows the SRM system to display the correct help content for each screen in a separate browser window. The context-sensitive help solution for SAP SRM provides custom help for only SRM Enterprise Buyers Professional (EBP) screens via the Help link in each screen.
One of the things that can be contained within an SAP EP iView is the SAP SRM user interface. In other words, a user can perform an SAP SRM transaction from within an iView. If a customer wants context-sensitive help for an SAP EP iView (regardless of what the iView contains), then the context-sensitive help solution for SAP EP is required.
Obtaining the Help Launchpad Code Supplement
Download the Help Launchpad Code Supplement for SAP SRM from the Intelligence Hub. This code supplement was authored by ANCILE for use only by customers and partners. The code supplement file contains JavaScript code that redirects the SAP SRM’s existing Help link to a help page created with the application.
Modifying the Workplace Integration API
SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS) embeds the wpintegration.js client-side script into every SRM screen at runtime. This script provides programmatic access to several SRM screen functions, including the Help link. By modifying the wpintegration.js script via the ABAP Workbench, we are able to intercept and redirect help calls made from this Help link.
Refer to the appropriate instructions and SAP Note(s) for changing JavaScript files via the ABAP Workbench. |
- Log into the appropriate SAP System using SAP GUI.
- Open the ABAP Workbench Object Navigator using transaction SE80.
- In the Object Navigator, select the Internet Service BBPGLOBAL. The Web Application Builder is started.
- Select WPINTEGRATION.JS from the Mime Objects located under the BBPGLOBAL item in the Object list.
- Right-click WPINTEGRATION.JS and select Change.
- If prompted, click the green check.
- If prompted, click Maint. in logon lang.
- Click Save As Local File.
- Create a backup copy of the wpintegration.js file (e.g., wpintegration.js.bak) on your local computer.
- In the Web Application Builder, scroll to the bottom of the wpintegration.js file.
- Append the Help Launchpad code supplement to the end of the wpintegration.js file.
- In the code supplement, locate and edit the following fields:
Eneter the connection profile URL
Location of the fallback help, in case a scripting error occurs during context-sensitive help.
NOTE: The fallback help does not automatically redirect the user to a given website when there is a help page that cannot be found. The context-sensitive help solution for SRM cannot determine whether or not a specific help page exists on a given website.
Message text used to indicate the screen ID.
Determines whether the screen ID is displayed in the new window launched from the screen Help link:
true = show screen ID
false = show help content
Help window left position in pixels.
Help window top position in pixels.
Help window width in pixels.
Help window height in pixels.
- Save the wpintegration.js file.
- Select the BBPGLOBAL Internet Service from the Object Navigator list.
- Click Publish.
You should receive a message at the bottom of the screen stating the object published successfully.
- Refresh the SRM screen displayed in the web browser.
You may need to clear your browser's cache or Temporary Internet Files.
This modification affects all screens in the SRM system. Be sure to verify that each screen has Context-Sensitive Help available.
Determining the Screen ID
Each screen in an SRM system has a unique alphanumeric identifier (ID). This ID can be used as a reliable link between an SRM screen and its related help content. To link an SRM screen to help content, the ID must first be included in the applicable document(s).
If the SHOW_ID property is set to true, any user with access to an SRM screen can determine its ID using the Help link:
- In the wpintegration.js file, ensure that the SHOW_ID property is set to true.
- Save the wpintegration.js file.
- Click Publish.
- Refresh the SRM screen displayed in the web browser.
You may need to clear your browser's cache or Temporary Internet Files.
- In the desired BSP application screen, select the Help link to open a new window that displays the ID for the screen.
Including the SRM Screen ID in Documents
An author is able to populate properties within the document. The application leverages these properties when building website navigation and quick launch pages, while the Server uses these properties to produce search results.
The Properties window is used to populate the Transaction Code(s) property within the document. To map a uPerform document to a SRM screen via the Properties tab, refer to Recording a Document and Making It Available for Context-Sensitive Help.
Viewing Help Content for an SRM Screen
If the SHOW_ID property is set to false, any user with access to an SRM screen can view help content for the screen using the Help link:
This modification affects the Help link for every SRM screen. Be sure to verify that help content is ready for each available SRM screen before performing the following steps. The Help link links blindly to a page that matches its ID. |
- In the wpintegration.js file, ensure that the SHOW_ID property is set to false.
- Save the wpintegration.js file.
- Click Publish.
- Refresh the SRM screen displayed in the web browser.
You may need to clear your browser's cache or Temporary Internet Files.
- In the desired Business Server Pages (BSP) application screen, select the Help link to open a new browser window that displays help content for the screen.
Continue to the next article Creating A Template.