- From the Editor, open the new template.
- Click the Styles tab.
- Select Manage All Styles in the Task Pane.
- Complete/review the following fields:
Enable Language Specific Style Fonts
- Select this option to enable the use of language-specific fonts for styles.
- Select Style Languages in the Task Pane.
- Select Enabled to the left of the language you want to enable.
NOTE: Select Check All to enable all languages.
- Select Manage All Styles in the Task Pane.
NOTE: You can set specific fonts for enabled languages when modifying a style.
Action Note Style
Select a style to use from drop-down list.
Recorder Note Style
Select a style to use from drop-down list.
- Perform any of the following options:
You can also right-click on the style to display a menu of options.
If You Want To
Modify a style
- Select the style you want to modify.
- Click Modify.
- Go to the next step.
NOTE: You can also double-click on the style.
Duplicate a style
- Select the style you want to duplicate.
- Click Duplicate.
- Select a Language from the drop-down list.
- Enter a Name.
- Click OK.
Delete a style
- Select the style you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
- Click Yes.
- Perform any of the following options to modify phrases for the selected style:
If You Want To
Add a custom phrase to use for the style name
- Click Select Phrase.
- Click Add....
- Select a language from the left.
- Enter the text in the Content field.
- Click OK.
Select a phrase to use for the style name
- Click Select Phrase.
- Select a Language from the drop-down list.
- Select a Phrase from the listbox.
NOTE: You can also enter text into the Phrases field to perform a search.
- Click OK.
- Edit/review the following fields:
Depending on the style selected, some of the following options may not be displayed.
Click Select to choose a font.
NOTE: If you want to change multiple styles, refer to Applying Font Changes to Multiple Styles.
Specify the font size.
NOTE: If you want to change multiple styles, refer to Applying Font Changes to Multiple Styles.
Font Color
Select a font color from the drop-down list.
Optionally, click Select to create a custom color.
NOTE: If you want to change multiple styles, refer to Applying Font Changes to Multiple Styles.
Bold, Underline, Italic, Strikethrough
Select these options to apply rich text formatting.
NOTE: If you want to change multiple styles, refer to Applying Font Changes to Multiple Styles.
Use Language Specific Fonts
- Select this option to use language-specific fonts for the selected style.
- Click Select.
- Select a font and font size to use for the specific language, as needed.
- Click OK.
NOTE: If you want to change multiple styles, refer to Applying Language-Specific Fonts to Multiple Styles.
Paragraph Justification
Select a justification setting from the drop-down list.
Specify margins for Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.
Optionally, select the unit of measurement from the drop-down list.
First Line
Specify the indent of the first line.
Optionally, select the unit of measurement from the drop-down list.
Background Color
Select a background color from the drop-down list.
Optionally, click Select to create a custom color.
Select this option to apply a gradient to section header backgrounds in HMTL outputs viewable in supported versions of Internet Explorer.
Start Color
Select a gradient start color from the drop-down list.
Optionally, click Select to create a custom color.
End Color
Select a gradient end color from the drop-down list.
Optionally, click Select to create a custom color.
Select the orientation of the gradient from the drop-down list.
Border Color
Select a border color from the drop-down list.
Optionally, click Select to create a custom color.
Border Size
Select the border width from the drop-down list.
NOTE: To remove the table border, including columns and rows, set the Border Size to None. You must also set the Border Color to Transparent under the Table Text style to remove the entire table border.
Apply to Bottom Border Only - HTML Only
Select this option to apply the border attributes to the bottom border only.
- Select to save the template.
Viewing Applied Styles
- From the Editor, open the new template.
- Click the Styles tab.
- Select Applied Styles in the Task Pane.
- Select a type of style used in the content.
- Edit/Review the following fields:
Select the style to apply to the selected style type.
Displays a description of the selected style type used in the content.
- Select to save the template.
Applying Font Changes to Multiple Styles
- From the Editor, open the new template.
- Click the Styles tab.
- Select Bulk Style Change in the Task Pane.
- Select a style from the list.
- Click Load Style to view the current style settings for the selected style.
- Press the Ctrl or Shift key and select the styles that you want to change.
- Complete the following fields:
- Select this option to enable a font change.
- Click Select to choose a font.
Font Color
- Select this option to enable a font color change.
- Select a font color from the drop-down list.
Optionally, click Select to create a custom color.
- Select this option to enable a font size change.
- Specify the font size.
- Select this option to enable a formatting change.
- Select Yes or No to specify a bold font.
- Select this option to enable a formatting change.
- Select Yes or No to specify an underline font.
- Select this option to enable a formatting change.
- Select Yes or No to specify an italic font.
- Select this option to enable a formatting change.
- Select Yes or No to specify a strikethrough font.
- Click Apply.
- Select to save the template.
Applying Language-Specific Fonts to Multiple Styles
- From the Editor, open the new template.
- Click the Styles tab.
- Select Bulk Style Language Changes in the Task Pane.
- Select a style from the list.
- Click Load Style to view the current language-specific font settings for the selected style.
- Press the Ctrl or Shift key and select the styles that you want to change.
- Complete the following fields:
Select a font to use for the specific language.
Specify a font size to use for the specific language.
- Click Apply.
- Select to save the template.