There are several options to manage the language of your content so you can easily produce translated versions of your uPerform content. Three options are available for managing content languages:
- Create translated documents: Creates a new uPerform document with text in the new target language(s). This functionality is useful in cases where you have customized your uPerform documents and phrases and want to export content in XLIFF format for translation in order to create a new version with translated text. For more information, refer to Creating Translated Documents.
- Use Guided Re-Record to capture graphics in another language: Creates a new uPerform document with text and graphics (screens, buttons, and images) in the new target language(s.) This functionality is useful if you have customized your documents and phrases and plan to include translated graphics in your new documents. This is the most robust translation option. For more information, refer to Using Guided Re-Record Functionality.
- Create translations of standard uPerform-provided boilerplate text: Creates a new uPerform document by morphing uPerform-provided boilerplate text into another language. This functionality is useful if you have not customized your uPerform documents and phrases. For more information, refer to Change the Language of Default Text for instructions on changing the document language property.